Friday, October 4, 2013

Honoring A Lost Life

A few days after coming home from our honeymoon, David's mom (Judi) suffered a massive stroke.  The doctors said that there was nothing they could do, so we prepared to say goodbye to such a beautiful and amazing woman.  She had been battling stage four cancer since January, and we all believe that she was just tired of fighting.  This was, by far, the hardest thing I have ever had to do in my entire life.

David always said that I was exactly like his mother, so he wanted me to use my crafting skills in some way to honor her.  Judi loved scrapbooking, just as much as I do, so I decided to make two shadow boxes dedicated to her life.  I had fun picking out the items that would go into the shadow boxes.  Anything that reminded me of her, I knew I had to find a place for it.  She was a teacher, a mother, a bowler, a golfer, a Disney lover, and a crafter.  She had the most vibrant personality that you would ever meet in your life.

Here's how they turned out:

I love them.  I have them hanging over my desk in our office.  I use them as motivation while I'm doing my schoolwork.  She was a teacher for thirty years, and I can only hope that I will be half the teacher and woman that she was.  Love you and miss you Judi.

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