About Me

My name is Ashley and I live in Western New York with my husband, David and our two dogs, Ace and Zeke. I have my Bachelor's Degree in Sociology and am pursuing my Master's Degree in Childhood Education to become an Elementary School Teacher!

When I'm not working on school (which isn't that often), I'm always working on something at home. Whether it be home renovations, organizing, crafts, or cooking, you can rest assure that I am doing something productive!

A few random facts about me:
  • I'm a true Southern Belle, born and raised in the South. I'm still getting used to the snow and long winters up here in WNY.
  • My sports teams are the Yankees, the Green Bay Packers, and Duke college basketball (mostly due to David's obsessions). 
  • If I could be anything in the world, I would be a teacher. I'm so excited to finally be on the way to reaching this goal. Never give up on your dreams!

I would love to share all of my ideas, projects, and recipes with ya'll. This blog will be the venue that will allow me to do that. I hope you enjoy everything!

If you want to contact me, just send me an email at: anhall014 [at] gmail [dot] com. Thanks!

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